Pineapple Benefits

 Pineapple and its benefits :

Especially, if you are indulging in some weight loss activities, eating a moderate amount of this beneficial fruit can actually help you shed those extra kilos faster.

Pineapples are Good source of fiber. Pineapple is good for your gut, it is rich in fiber and therefore, aids in digestion.

Pineapples are also fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in sodium.
Eating it may be particularly advantageous for women because its high vitamin C content plays an important role in supporting healthy bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Also, the manganese in pineapple promotes healthy bones.

Pineapples contain a good level of several B vitamins which propel your brain to function better and boost your ability to deal with stress efficiently.

Pineapples contain loads of antioxidants that help to capture and fight against free radicals. This slows down the cell damage process, thus preventing some types of cancer.

In fact, research has found that pineapple enzymes can shrink or kill cancer cells.
Jus simply serve up a one-cup serving alongside your usual breakfast .

Healthy food healthy life.
Stay fit stay healthy.

Information shared from google.
