Dates syrup

 Ingredients :

 Dates  - 2 cups
Water - 3 cups
Sugar - 2 tbsp

Preparation :

Dates if ripe...jus add water and make purie in food processor.....

Mine were very ripe......

If they are hard ....boil dates till they get soft.....and let then cool down....

Filter and remove excess water.....and add dates and water to food processor....
And make purie......

Now..... Take a thin cloth ......and keep a wide open vessel with a sieve....

Now pour the purie through sieve.....tap to filter ......and the left over to be transferred to muslin cloth ........don't over flow through the sieve.... Pour only 3/4 of it....this is to avoid.....the waste again getting into the filtered dates 1st extract......

Now...take the left over in muslin cloth....and gently press the sides and squeeze out juice......

Now add this to the 1st extract......transfer all to a thick bottom vessel.... And boil in low flame......else it'll over flow.....

It'll get over by around.....30 will get a sauce consistency ...almost when you put on flame it will be 3 has to reduce to 1/2 tumbler..... If you think its slow in low flame .....keep in medium flame with constant stirring.....

This will look frothy..... Nothing to worry.....soon after the syrup is cooled will settle.

This can be altered in place of milk....cake recipe......n more innovative ideas....