Soft Sweet Paniyaram or Rice buns ( without a nonstick appe pan )

Kuzhi paniyaram ( or ) Rice buns

Now am gonna share with you my experience of making soft paniyaram...
Credits goes to my MOM......

This very simple....all we need is to replace rice flour by WHEAT FLOUR.

Yes and not soak the batter for more than 3 hours.

Adding on another very important tip......

How to take your paniyaram out of the appe pan .....with the yummy round shape.

Wonder how...... Tats pretty easy.

All you need is to prepare your appe pan much early.

What it means by preparing.....

If you wanna prepare paniyaram by evening.....
You need to prepare the appe pan by morning...

Now coming to preparing appe pan....
Take it.....
Use a clean cloth and wipe of dust in it.
Apply oil all over the top portion of the pan.
And put it on low flame.....jus leave for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes...... kindly note....take your hands on top of your appe pan....the distance between your hand ( your palm facing  the pan ) and the pan must be atleast 4 - 5 inches.By then you can feel the heat.Leave your pan for another 5 can find the oil applied getting a light brown colour.

That's when you hav to remove from flame and keep it aside to cool.Cover the pan after its cool to avoid deposit of dust.

Use the prepared pan by evening....Now heat the pan fill in oil in each compartments and let it heat in medium flame..... similarly check for temperature with hands on top of the pan with 4-5 inches  you can get non sticky round paniyaram from it.

The most important Ingredient is jaggery....always make your jaggery into 3/4 forth of total other Ingredients.

Say for if the recipe has
Am using a very simple recipe 

Ingredients :

Wheat flour - 2 tbsp
Sooji - 2 tbsp
Maida - 2 tbsp
Jaggery - 4 tbsp 

The total measurement of the dry ingredients is.....
2 tbsp of wheat flour + 2 tbsp of Maida + 2 tbsp of sooji ...which is a total of 6 tbsp
And 3/4 th of this is 4 tbsp of jaggery.

Why it's 3/4 of the rest of the ingredients?

Now let me explain the nature of has a tendency to stick when hot.
Jaggery must be dissolved in immersible amount of water and run through a sieve before you add it to the dry ingredients.
Water to be added only if the batter is still thick even after adding jaggery solution.
The required consistency is dosa batter consistency.Soaked for 3 hours.

Before let me explain the widely known two varieties of jaggery.

There are two kind of jaggerys :

Paagu vellam :

This is very dark in colour ( dark brown )

This dissolve very easily and even you can smash with hands.....SMASH !!! Yea and it's so gud in taste ...and soft by nature.
When it comes to adding in recipes

Please reduce the volume to 1/2 from the mentioned amount in recipe.
Never try to increase the volume....for sure you will not get the shape.

Mandai vellam :

Very light in colour 

This is very hard probably need something hard to break this into piece.
This is not that sweet when compared to paagu vellam.

You can add the exact amount or reduce the measurement mentioned.

Now it gets more easy to understand the recipe.

So if you add equal amount of jaggery to the equal amount of the other Ingredients (all in total). Your paniyaram will naturally get sticky.....

Now coming to the preparation...... pour the batter into half of each of the compartments you hav in your appe pan.
It needs space to puff up.
Never fill the entire compartments it'll over flow ending up with no gud shape and trying around all gets messy.


If you are interested in less sweet can reduce it to 1/2 for much better result.

You can also add ripe banana puree for add on taste.

Baking soda a pinch with a tsp of water .....this can be added to the batter for better be added jus before you pour it in the pan.

A pinch of cardamom adds flavour to the recipe.

Grated coconut ( 1- 2 tbsp for a bowl of batter  ) and broken cashew can be added for add on taste.

Hope this helps a lot.

Wish you all happy
